Geospatial Repository and Data Management System

CAC / GEOAxIS Signup / Login

The Geospatial Repository and Data Management (GRiD) System was developed in partnership between U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) to serve as the National System for Geospatial-Intelligence (NSG)'s enterprise level database for geospatial data. GRiD is designed to store, process, visualize, and disseminate a variety of geospatial datasets, such as 3D pointcloud data (e.g., Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)) and associated geospatial products, as well as Elevation Models (i.e., Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), Digital Surface Models (DSMs)).

To create a GRiD account, click CAC / GEOAxIS Signup / Login to register with GEOAxIS. When your registration is complete, GRiD will send you an email to confirm, just click the link in the email to activate your account and use GRiD!

For GEOAxIS assistance please call the 24x7 GEOAxIS Operations Support Team at 833-GEOAxIS (833-436-2947) at your convenience and ask them to remove any conflicting records for your GEOAxIS account.

Have a problem? Have a question? Need training? Check out our FAQs or contact us.

You can also learn more about GRiD, and how GRiD can support your mission.

GRiD System Update - Version 1.8.0 (20 MAY 2024)

New Features

  • Ability to create an AOI from a country boundary
  • Data Families to categorize datasets within GRiD
  • AOI deletion on the map
  • Helicopter Landing Zone tool
  • Ambient-Occlusion Hillshade product for point cloud datasets


  • Query Tiles functionality moved to the sidebar
  • Updates to the training guide
Crisis Data Available on GRiD

Data pertaining to the ongoing situation in Gaza and Haiti is currently available in GRiD. Users can obtain this data by utilizing the Gaza Crisis Data or Haiti Crisis Data guided workflow or selecting the Gaza data label or Haiti data label within a data layer.

Note: Users must have the appropriate access tag to view and obtain this data.